Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Do You Have a New Blog or Website?

Do You Have a New Blog or Website?

If you have a fairly new Blog or Website and are wondering were all the visitor traffic is, you probably need to follow some very important steps regarding optimization so the search engines see your website. Many people think that just because they created a blog or a website that it will automatically get visitors, nothing could be further from the truth. Now before you go out and pay somebody to help you with your "SEO" or Search Engine Optimization, please go to my new website and get all the free tools, guides and tutorials you can while they are available. You will save a ton of cash and most of the basic SEO steps are easy enough to do yourself. Go to for all the free tools and resources you need to get your website noticed. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The RTB Network - http://RockinTheBoat.US

We have just launched a new website that is very different and very much exciting. It is a variable content website and has all types of content with a focus on Internet trends, marketing, art, music, you name it. We would like you to please visit the site and register @ http//  then you can take advantage of the many free downloads of eBooks, QuickStart Guides, Tips and Tricks PDF files in all sorts of categories. We have posted articles on Fiverr, Blackhat SEO, WhiteHat SEO, Amazon, Kindle Publishing, EBook Authoring, even guides on how to play no-limit texas hold'em poker! There is a "Making Money Online" section and a collection of publications from the top 10 Bloggers in the world, and Broker Bomb Uncovered. 

We might be getting cool talking babies too like this woman on 5vr<------in photo. 
Hellllo Child Services! Send that kid to The RTB Baby!

Get free downloads of eBooks such as "7 Bloggers That Can Make You Rich" and "10 Top FAQs About Website Flipping". All of this plus interesting news, trends, and info on upcoming events. Stay in touch, get everything thats worth reading in one place, The RTB Network - SH